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MRJ Recruitment : gross profit for 2011 up 38% on the previous year
20th March 2012

 MRJ Recruitment (part of The MRJ Group) results show the company’s full year gross profit for 2011 reaching £389k, up 38% on the previous year. Turnover for 2011 reached £827k, up 73% . 2011 also saw a number of investments by the company including the launch of a new division (MRJ Property), the opening of a London office, a new database,  and a new training programme for all staff.

MD Jody Marks commented: "I am delighted with the way our first 2 years in business have gone. Starting in a recession, steady growth was always our aim which is what we have achieved. Following some recent strategic business changes and some key investments (including the soon to be released website), we are on track this year to achieve our goal of hitting £1.5m turnover in 2012."