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MRJ Article - Manchester Evening News
4th February 2011

The MRJ Group is aiming to take turnover to £1.2m this year as it looks to expand its team in Greater Manchester and establish a presence in London.


The Prestwich company was set up at the beginning of 2010 by Jody Marks, who has worked in the sector for 10 years and was formerly a team manager at Altrincham-based Rullion Recruitment.


MRJ’s areas of specialism included IT, digital media, and telecoms, and it recently set up a property division, recruiting chartered, residential and building surveyors.


The firm has so far placed 103 candidates with 38 companies and revenues for 2010 were £428,000.


Managing director Jody said: "A lot of our business has been permanent placements but we are moving into a lot more temporary and contract work, which will grow our turnover.


"We’ve already built our team from just one to six and we plan to expand this to 10 by the end of February which will mean that we will be in a much stronger position.


"The first year was mainly about building relationships with clients.


"The big thing for us in 2011 is to make sure we deliver."


MRJ plans to have a fully operational team in London by the end of the year to meet demand in the capital for its services.


Jody decided to start his own business after being named recruiter of the year in 2009.


He said: "I set the business up for a reason and that was to take on the bigger players.


"I wanted to set up a small niche company and build on having a closer relationship with our clients and candidates."


He added: "You read all these stories about how 2011 is going to be a tough year for businesses.


"However, if we stick to our principles, which is to work in partnership with both candidates and clients, deliver what we promise, deliver a quality service and improve the experience of hire and if we continue to grow with the right people, our turnover will double and I do believe we will get there.