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Jody Marks named “IRP Recruiter of the Year”
26th November 2009

Jody Marks is the talk of the town after he was crowned Recruiter of the Year at the Institute of Recruitment Professionals’ glittering awards ceremony in central London.


Also the winner of the Permanent Consultant of the Year title, Jody impressed the judges with his single-mindedness in his ambitions earning him the ultimate accolade in the inaugural IRP Awards that celebrate the very best of the recruitment business.


They also remarked on how he had excelled in such a difficult year with excellent feedback on his performance from both candidates and clients.


Jody had already demonstrated his professional credentials when he was runner-up in the Permanent Recruiter category in last year’s REC IM Awards.


The judges said of him: “He found this year to be one of the most exciting since he joined the recruitment industry over nine years ago. From his entry, it was clear that Jody had pushed himself and improved on his performance year on year.”


They added that they believed he would be an excellent ambassador for the entire recruitment industry. More than 340 guests attended the awards ceremony and dinner held at the Honourable Artillery Company, which was also the venue for the REC’s first-ever National Convention.


Hosted by broadcaster and former MP, Gyles Brandreth, a total of 15 awards were presented at the ceremony and are the only awards to be given by the recruitment industry’s trade body.


Kevin Green, the REC’s Chief Executive said of the awards: “This evening is just the start of a journey which could take between 10 and 15 years in realising our goal of professionalising the industry and attaining Chartered status.


“This all starts with the IRP members themselves in giving them the recognition and respect for bringing such value and high standards through their own individual capabilities.”


Kevin added: “The awards ceremony was the perfect way to show just how far we have already come in attracting people with the highest professional standards, dedication and commitment to the recruitment industry. We salute all the winners for their exemplary qualities and skills and wish them all well in their future careers and endeavours.”